This document provides basic information for using NASTRAN software on the Nurion system. Therefore, it does not include instructions on how to use NASTRAN software or Nurion/Linux. For information on using Nurion/Linux, please refer to the Nurion user guide available in the resources section of the KISTI website (

A. Usage policy

  • Each user ID can utilize a maximum of 32 CPU cores.

  • Since a limited license is shared among supercomputing users, if usage exceeds the policy limits, the job may be forcibly terminated by the administrator.

  • If you require a large number of licenses due to unavoidable circumstances, you must consult with the administrator in advance through the KISTI website (

  • Before submitting a job, please use the "lic_check" command to check the license status through the menu selection, and then submit your job.

  • To prevent overloading the Nurion system login node, pre/post-processing tasks are not permitted.

  • After March PM (March 14) in 2019, the #PBS -A nastran option must be included in the job submission script.

B. Software Installation Information

1. Installation version

  • MSC ONE (NASTRAN) 20182

  • MSC ONE (NASTRAN) 20191

  • MSC ONE (NASTRAN) 20213

2. Installation location

  • 20182 : /apps/commercial/MSC/Nastran

  • 20191 : /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran

  • 20213 : /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2021.3

3. Execution file path and config file path

  • <20182>

    • Execution file path: /apps/commercial/MSC/Nastran/bin

    • Conf file: /apps/commercial/MSC/Nastran/conf/nast20182rc

  • <20191>

    • Execution file path: /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2019fp1/bin

    • Conf file : /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2019fp1/conf/nast20191rc

  • <20213>

    • Execution file path: /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2021.3/bin

    • Conf file : /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2021.3/conf/nast20213rc

C. How to run the software

1. Execution command

  • If using MD Nastran R2.1 in the user's home directory or a subdirectory, enter the command in the format "nastran inputfile".

2. Environment configuration

  • To modify the settings related to Nastran execution, you need to edit the configuration file.

  • 20182 version config file path : /apps/commercial/MSC/Nastran/conf/nast20182rc

  • 20191 version config file path : /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2019fp1/conf/nast20191rc

  • 20213 version config file path : /apps/commercial/MSC/MSC_Nastran/2021.3/conf/nast20213rc

  • If you want to change the default environment settings for the 20161 version, copy the "nast20182rc" file from the above path to your home directory or working directory, rename it by adding a period to the file name as ".nast20182rc," and then modify the necessary parts in that file for use.

[ Example of nast20182rc file ]

j.env=ACTRAN_MPI_OPTS='-pmi-connect nocache -pmi-noaggregate -genvnone -print-rank-map'
$ End

※ When copying to the user's home directory, you can use the following command.

(e.g.) Example of using the cp command

$ cp /apps/commercial/MSC/Nastran/conf/nast20182rc ./.nast20182rc

3. Execution method

  • Interactive execution is limited to 20 minutes of CPU time.

  • For long-running calculations, jobs must be submitted using the PBS scheduler.

  • Before submitting a job, run the lic_check command to verify the license status, and then submit the job.

4. Writing a scheduler job script file

  • On the Nurion system, jobs must be submitted from the login node using the PBS scheduler.

  • Example files for using PBS on the Nurion system can be found at the following path, so please refer to them when creating your job file.

  • Example file: /apps/commercial/test_samples/MSC_NASTRAN/nast_20182.cmd

※ The example below is for using NASTRAN on the Nurion system.

#PBS -N Nastran_job
#PBS -q commercial
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=40:mpiprocs=1:ompthreads=40
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
#PBS -A nastran


/apps/commercial/MSC/Nastran/bin/nast20182 car_mod_freq.bdf smp=$NCPUS batch=no sdir="."
  • It is not registered as a module, so you need to enter the path as shown in the example.

  • After March PM (March 14) in 2019, job submissions without the #PBS -A nastran option will not be accepted.

  • Job submission is only allowed in the /scratch/$USER directory.

  • Each user’s scratch directory is located at /scratch/$USER, and within the user’s scratch directory, you can create directories for each job to submit and execute them.

  • The scratch disk is subject to renaming and eventual deletion after a certain period following job completion, so it is recommended to back up your data as soon as possible after the job is completed. (Refer to User Environment > User File System and Quota Policy)

  • For other PBS commands and usage instructions, please refer to the Nurion user guide.

5. Job submission method

  • Example : If the script file name is

$ qsub

6. Check job status

$ qstat (or qstat –u $USER) 

7. Forcefully terminate a submitted job

  • Usage : qdel {job ID}

  • The job ID is the information displayed on the far left when the qstat command is executed. (ex. 1771476.pbs)

  • Example : If the job ID is s1771476.pbs

$ qdel  1771476.pbs

8. Check available resources on PBS

$ pbs_status

Last updated on November 06, 2024.

Last updated