WRFV3.9.1.1 설치
슈퍼컴퓨팅인프라센터 2019. 5. 28. 10:47
KISTI 슈퍼컴퓨팅센터의 누리온 시스템에 WRFV3.9.1.1 Source 버전과 WPSV3.9.1 Source 버전을 설치 하는 방법에 대하여 소개한다.
가. 설치 환경
대상 시스템
OS Version
리눅스 / CentOS 7.3
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6126
Intel 2018.3 Version
IntelMPI 2018.3 Version
나. 설치 전 환경 설정
누리온 시스템은 PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH 등을 쉽게 하기 위하여 환경설정 툴인 Modules(http://modules.sourceforge.net)이 구성되어 있고, 이하 설치 소개 에서는 module load를 이용한 환경 설정 방법을 이용한다.
$ module load craype-mic-knl intel/18.0.3 impi/18.0.3
$ module load hdf4/4.2.13 hdf5/1.10.2 netcdf/4.6.1 ncl/6.5.0
$ export JASPERLIB=/apps/common/jasper/1.900.29/lib
$ export JASPERINC=/apps/common/jasper/1.900.29/include
다. WRF 설치 과정
설치 과정 소개는 tar 를 이용한 압축 해제 방법과 설정 방법등 진행 절차를 위주로 설명하고, 소스 파일 다운로드 등은 생략한다.
$ tar xvzf WRFV3.9.1.1.TAR.gz
$ cd WRFV3
$ ./configure
- - - - - 아래 [configure 과정 진행 내용] 참고
$ vi configure.wrf
- - - - - 아래 [configure.wrf 파일 수정 내용] 참고
$ ./compile em_real
※ WRFV3.9.1.1 버전의 경우 "compile em_real" "-j 2" 옵션이 기본으로 사용되어 "compile -j 2 em_real" 으로 빌드 되고, CentOS 7.3 버전에서 빌드 시 컴파일 오류가 1회 발생함. 이 경우 "compile em_real" 과정을 한번더 진행.
[configure 과정 진행 내용]
$ ./configure
checking for perl5... no
checking for perl... found /usr/bin/perl (perl)
Will use NETCDF in dir: /apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/netcdf/4.6.1
Will use HDF5 in dir: /apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/hdf5/1.10.2
PHDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without.
Will use 'time' to report timing information
If you REALLY want Grib2 output from WRF, modify the arch/Config_new.pl script.
Right now you are not getting the Jasper lib, from the environment, compiled into WRF.
Please select from among the following Linux x86_64 options:
1. (serial) 2. (smpar) 3. (dmpar) 4. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc)
5. (serial) 6. (smpar) 7. (dmpar) 8. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc): SGI MPT
9. (serial) 10. (smpar) 11. (dmpar) 12. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc): PGI accelerator
13. (serial) 14. (smpar) 15. (dmpar) 16. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc)
17. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon Phi (MIC architecture)
18. (serial) 19. (smpar) 20. (dmpar) 21. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): Xeon (SNB with AVX mods)
22. (serial) 23. (smpar) 24. (dmpar) 25. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): SGI MPT
26. (serial) 27. (smpar) 28. (dmpar) 29. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): IBM POE
30. (serial) 31. (dmpar) PATHSCALE (pathf90/pathcc)
32. (serial) 33. (smpar) 34. (dmpar) 35. (dm+sm) GNU (gfortran/gcc)
36. (serial) 37. (smpar) 38. (dmpar) 39. (dm+sm) IBM (xlf90_r/cc_r)
40. (serial) 41. (smpar) 42. (dmpar) 43. (dm+sm) PGI (ftn/gcc): Cray XC CLE
44. (serial) 45. (smpar) 46. (dmpar) 47. (dm+sm) CRAY CCE (ftn $(NOOMP)/cc): Cray XE and XC
48. (serial) 49. (smpar) 50. (dmpar) 51. (dm+sm) INTEL (ftn/icc): Cray XC
52. (serial) 53. (smpar) 54. (dmpar) 55. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc)
56. (serial) 57. (smpar) 58. (dmpar) 59. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/gcc): -f90=pgf90
60. (serial) 61. (smpar) 62. (dmpar) 63. (dm+sm) PGI (pgf90/pgcc): -f90=pgf90
64. (serial) 65. (smpar) 66. (dmpar) 67. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): HSW/BDW
68. (serial) 69. (smpar) 70. (dmpar) 71. (dm+sm) INTEL (ifort/icc): KNL MIC
72. (serial) 73. (smpar) 74. (dmpar) 75. (dm+sm) FUJITSU (frtpx/fccpx): FX10/FX100 SPARC64 IXfx/Xlfx
Enter selection [1-75] : 70
Compile for nesting? (1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 1]: 1
Configuration successful!
testing for MPI_Comm_f2c and MPI_Comm_c2f
MPI_Comm_f2c and MPI_Comm_c2f are supported
testing for fseeko and fseeko64
fseeko64 is supported
# Settings for Linux KNL x86_64 ppc64le i486 i586 i686 (dmpar)
OMP = # -openmp -fpp -auto
OMPCC = # -openmp -fpp -auto
SFC = ifort
SCC = icc
CCOMP = icc
DM_FC = mpif90 -f90=$(SFC)
DM_CC = mpicc -cc=$(SCC) -DMPI2_SUPPORT
FC = time $(DM_FC)
LD = $(FC)
PROMOTION = -real-size `expr 8 \* $(RWORDSIZE)` -i4
CFLAGS_LOCAL = -w -O3 -ip -fp-model fast=2 -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ftz -no-multibyte-chars -xMIC-AVX512
LDFLAGS_LOCAL = -ip -fp-model fast=2 -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ftz -align all -fno-alias -fno-common -xMIC-AVX512
FCNOOPT = -O0 -fno-inline -no-ip
FCDEBUG = # -g $(FCNOOPT) -traceback # -fpe0 -check noarg_temp_created,bounds,format,output_conversion,pointers,uninit -ftrapuv -unroll0 -u
BYTESWAPIO = -convert big_endian
RECORDLENGTH = -assume byterecl
FCBASEOPTS_NO_G = -ip -fp-model precise -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO) -fp-model fast=2 -no-heap-arrays -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -fno-common -xMIC-AVX512
TRADFLAG = -traditional-cpp
CPP = /lib/cpp -P -nostdinc
AR = ar
M4 = m4
RANLIB = ranlib
#insert new stanza here
FGREP = fgrep -iq
-DHDF5 \
# ESMF 5 -- these are defined in esmf.mk, included above
ESMF_IO_LIB = -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time
ESMF_IO_LIB_EXT = -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/main \
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf \
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int \
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame \
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/share \
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/phys \
-I$(NETCDFPATH)/include \
REGISTRY = Registry
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/fftpack/fftpack5/libfftpack.a \
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib1/libio_grib1.a \
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib_share/libio_grib_share.a \
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int/libwrfio_int.a \
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a \
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame/module_internal_header_util.o \
-L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf -lwrfio_nf -L/apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/netcdf/4.6.1/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf -L/apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/hdf5/1.10.2/lib -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 -lm -lz
NETCDFPATH = /apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/netcdf/4.6.1
HDF5PATH = /apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/hdf5/1.10.2
bundled: io_only
external: io_only $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/RSL_LITE/librsl_lite.a gen_comms_rsllite module_dm_rsllite $(ESMF_TARGET)
io_only: esmf_time wrfio_nf \
wrf_ioapi_includes wrfio_grib_share wrfio_grib1 wrfio_int fftpack
Settings listed above are written to configure.wrf.
If you wish to change settings, please edit that file.
If you wish to change the default options, edit the file:
NetCDF users note:
This installation of NetCDF supports large file support. To DISABLE large file
support in NetCDF, set the environment variable WRFIO_NCD_NO_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT
to 1 and run configure again. Set to any other value to avoid this message.
Testing for NetCDF, C and Fortran compiler
This installation of NetCDF is 64-bit
C compiler is 64-bit
Fortran compiler is 64-bit
It will build in 64-bit
[configure.wrf 파일 수정 내용]
DM_FC = mpiifort -f90=$(SFC)
DM_CC = mpiicc -cc=$(SCC) -DMPI2_SUPPORT
CFLAGS_LOCAL = -w -O3 -ip -fp-model fast=2 -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ftz -no-multibyte-chars -xCOMMON-AVX512
LDFLAGS_LOCAL = -ip -fp-model fast=2 -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -ftz -align all -fno-alias -fno-common -xCOMMON-AVX512
FCBASEOPTS_NO_G = -ip -fp-model precise -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO) -fp-model fast=2 -no-heap-arrays -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -fno-common -xCOMMON-AVX512
※ 설치를 진행한 CPU 타입과 계산을 수행할 CPU 타입이 다른 경우는 꼭 configure.wrf 파일의 "-xHost" 옵션을 삭제하고 빌드를 진행한다. (예 : login 노드(SKL CPU 타입)에서 설치를 진행 하고 KNL 계산노드 에서 수행하는 경우)
※ 누리온 시스템 설치 예제는 SKL/KNL 계산노드에서 공통적으로 사용을 위해 "-xCOMMON-AVX512" 로 작성
- SKL(skylake) 노드 전용 : -xCORE-AVX512 - KNL(Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing) 전용 : -xMIC-AVX512 - SKL 과 KNL 공통 적용 : -xCOMMON-AVX512 - 참고 : https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/compiling-for-the-intel-xeon-phi-processor-and-the-intel-avx-512-isa
라. WPS 설치 과정
설치 과정 소개는 tar 를 이용한 압축 해제 방법과 설정 방법등 진행 절차를 위주로 설명하고, 소스 파일 다운로드 등은 생략한다.
$ tar xvzf WPSV3.9.1.TAR.gz
$ cd WPS
$ ./configure
- - - - - 아래 [configure 과정 진행 내용] 참고
$ vi configure.wps
- - - - - 아래 [configure.wps 파일 수정 내용] 참고
$ ./compile
[configure 과정 진행 내용]
$ ./configure
Will use NETCDF in dir: /apps/compiler/intel/18.0.3/applib1/mic-knl/netcdf/4.6.1
Found Jasper environment variables for GRIB2 support...
$JASPERLIB = /apps/common/jasper/1.900.29/lib
$JASPERINC = /apps/common/jasper/1.900.29/include
Please select from among the following supported platforms.
1. Linux x86_64, gfortran (serial)
2. Linux x86_64, gfortran (serial_NO_GRIB2)
3. Linux x86_64, gfortran (dmpar)
4. Linux x86_64, gfortran (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
5. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (serial)
6. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2)
7. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (dmpar)
8. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
9. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (serial)
10. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (serial_NO_GRIB2)
11. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar)
12. Linux x86_64, PGI compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
13. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (serial)
14. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (serial_NO_GRIB2)
15. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (dmpar)
16. Linux x86_64, IA64 and Opteron (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
17. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial)
18. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2)
19. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar)
20. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
21. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (serial)
22. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (serial_NO_GRIB2)
23. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar)
24. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, SGI MPT (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
25. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (serial)
26. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (serial_NO_GRIB2)
27. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (dmpar)
28. Linux x86_64, Intel compiler, IBM POE (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
29. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (serial)
30. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2)
31. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (dmpar)
32. Linux x86_64 g95 compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
33. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (serial)
34. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2)
35. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (dmpar)
36. Cray XE/XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Cray compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
37. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial)
38. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (serial_NO_GRIB2)
39. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar)
40. Cray XC CLE/Linux x86_64, Intel compiler (dmpar_NO_GRIB2)
Enter selection [1-40] : 19
Configuration successful. To build the WPS, type: compile
Testing for NetCDF, C and Fortran compiler
This installation NetCDF is 64-bit
C compiler is 64-bit
Fortran compiler is 64-bit
[configure.wps 파일 수정 내용]
DM_FC = mpiifort -f90=ifort
DM_CC = mpiicc -cc=icc
FFLAGS = -FR -convert big_endian -O2 -xCOMMON-AVX512
F77FLAGS = -FI -convert big_endian -O2 -xCOMMON-AVX512
마. 기타
만약 WPS를 SKL CPU 노드(login노드, norm_skl큐)에서 실행하는 경우에는 craype-mic-knl 모듈 대신 craype-x86-skylake 모듈을 사용 하도록 환경설정을 해야 한다.
$ module load craype-x86-skylake intel/18.0.3 impi/18.0.3
$ module load hdf4/4.2.13 hdf5/1.10.2 netcdf/4.6.1 ncl/6.5.0
$ export JASPERLIB=/apps/common/jasper/1.900.29/lib
$ export JASPERINC=/apps/common/jasper/1.900.29/include
Last updated